What Love Says About Feeling Stuck: A Gentle Reminder to Choose Growth
Another entry asking Love about life. My question today was, “What does Love say about being frustrated because of feeling stuck in life?”
“Oh, dear one. It’s okay to feel the way you’re feeling. But it’s really not necessary to feel this way—or to continue feeling this way—if you don’t want to.
The truth is—and we hope you’re beginning to understand this, because it’s important—is that you get to choose.
You always have a choice about how you’re going to feel about something.
Another truth is—and this is an observation and not a judgment or condemnation—is that you’ve fallen into the habit of feeling upset and frustrated.
It’s an easy rut for you to fall into and it has become a sort of default choice for you.
It will stay that way—a habit - unless you start taking action to change that habit. It’s not as hard as you think it might be and it won’t take as long as you think it will if you’re just willing to start.
You know what to do.
We will help you if you ask. (We will help you even if you don’t ask, but it will be easier and faster if you do.)
Start by practicing gratitude.
I know you think you know this already, but you are not as consistent in doing this as you can be.
Things will start changing—not necessarily externally, but internally—once you begin.
Meditate more and actively practice gratitude for everything—especially the “little” things. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your mood starts to change.
Start exploring some ways that you can help serve other people. There are lots of different ways if you just start looking for them.
Be kind to yourself and become even more aware of your thoughts and what you are telling yourself.
Don’t get discouraged by the state of this world and all the lies and dishonesty happening around the world and especially in U.S. politics.
This has always been the case and—for now at least—it will continue to be this way in the world you’re currently living in.
The only thing you are truly responsible for is yourself and your own thoughts and actions.
Be here.
Stay aware and conscious.
Don’t be afraid to pray and ask for help.
I don’t care what you say you believe or don’t believe. You know I am real regardless of what your mind or the world tells you.
I love you.
I love you.”