What Did Love Say About Creativity?
“Creativity and love come from the same source.” - Laurens van der Post
Love Says This About Creativity
I recently did a writing exercise where I asked myself what "unconditional love" would say to me about the topic of "creativity."
Creativity is one of those topics that you seem to find just about everywhere you look. Everyone wants to be creative, regardless of what they're doing.
Creativity isn't just for artists or "creatives."
It's for everyone.
It's for all of us.
But when I started the writing exercise, my goal was to imagine and then really listen to what unconditional love would say to me.
Here' what I wrote:

Hello Love. What would you have me learn today about creativity?
Love says this …
Creativity is a product of creation. You are part of creation. You have manifested into this form, in this place, at this time in history. What you decide to create comes partially from your experience of being here, but also from the ocean of experiences and imaginations that surround you. You are literally swimming in a vast universe of creativity. Everything you do adds to this.
Are you wanting to be “special” in the eyes of other people? Or are you wanting to play and explore new possibilities and new insights for the pure joy that comes with play and exploration?
Are you still wanting to draw inside the lines? Or are you gazing beyond the lines and searching for what might be hidden – at least temporarily – in the background> In the shadows. Dancing just outside the boundaries that you’ve come to accept and that limit you from being able to perceive what’s already there in plain sight.
Stop trying to be creative. Instead, re-learn how to play and explore and daydream. Surrender to open your heart and your mind and your spirit and your eyes and your ears and your entire body to everything vibrating around you.
Join the dance and flow with the silent music reverberating throughout the universe. Watch and listen while you stroll through the magic that’s happening on every side of you.
Did you notice that last breath that slipped so beautifully into your lungs bringing light and life? And then sliding back out with a load of toxins you no longer need?
There are millions of muses singing their invitation to come play with them. You can entertain them all, of course. But you can invite one or two to come sit for tea and allow them to tell you their tales of adventure and sing their heart-opening songs of love galloping from one star to the next.
Be kind to each one that visits and hold them in your heart as each one comes and goes. If one chooses to stay, offer her cake and a corner where she can nap. A soft pillow is also a sweet gesture that is much appreciated and often reciprocated with an unexpected shower of peace.
These conversations are sacred. Nothing is demanded in these exchanges. Only gifts offered unselfishly. Enjoy these visits and then allow yourself to play with joy and with abandon.
Then rest. Play and rest. Don’t strive or struggle. Surrender to the gifts you are given. And always, always, always remember how much you are loved and celebrated. You have no idea how precious you are to us.
We love you and we adore you.